Amazing Feedback from Referrers to Share !!

As a registered charity, Tweed Togs are required to submit an annual report to the charity regulatory body OSCR (Scottish Charity Regulator). As part of the report, we generate an "Impact Report". This year, we have requested feedback from the agencies and/or groups who refer children to our service. We have been both surprised at the number of referrers who took time out of their hectic schedules to reply AND completely overwhelmed by the feedback. One referrer specifically mentioned passing on their feedback to our donators and so we thought it would be good to share some of this feedback with all our supporters. We've quoted directly from the feedback where we can so the true feeling of the comments comes across (and to save our blushes!!).

Several referrers stated that Tweed Togs is providing an "invaluable resource" or "essential" lifeline to many families living under increasing challenging circumstances and one referrer concluded "without this service children would definitely suffer".

It was shocking to see the comments directly linking our service to the self-esteem and confidence of the children.

" The difference Tweed Togs makes to children cannot be expressed enough. For young people to be able to attend nursery, or go out with their siblings in clean, new clothes that are high quality and fit well means they are more accepted by their peers and better long term outcomes for families. It sadly is a fact that children who appear scruffy, dirty in old or worn clothes or who don't have enough clothes that can be washed and rotated, tend to be excluded from social groups and unfair judgements made upon their parents. Tweed Togs helps to prevent this from happening and it is so valued and appreciated by all of us. Another big thing is the provision of warm winter coats, and the thought that goes into the lovely gift bags”.

It was also acknowledged that our service positively impacts the mental health of parents/carers.

"Its also important to recognise how beneficial is it to the mental health of parents to know that the children are provided with warm, clean clothing, and of children to know that they are provided for in the same way as their peers. Keep up the amazingly good work!".

It's very humbling (and bonkers!) to see the impact that a little community spirit of donating, sorting, washing & ironing and packaging clothes can have on children and families’ lives.

Thank-you to EVERYONE who has supported Tweed Togs - we will keep up the good work!!