Presentation to Anti-Poverty Group

We were recently invited to present on the work of Tweed Togs to the Scottish Borders Council Anti-Poverty Members Reference Group. This group was set up as part of the Council’s Anti-Poverty Strategy and plays a central role as it is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the Anti-Poverty Strategy and Plan that was first approved by the Council in 2021. The group look at all the work that is being done in the area to alleviate poverty and explore best practice across the Council, their partners and the third sector and seek to make sure resources are being directed to where the need is greatest.

We delivered a short presentation explaining the background to Tweed Togs and the work of our charity. We also provided an example of the clothing bags our volunteers put together and the clothes we routinely aim to provide to each referral. It was an ironic coincidence that this presentation coincided with our busiest week for a few years - with roughly double our average number of referrals. We answered questions from the members who were very positive about our ‘fantastic work’. However, it was also sobering to hear from one councillor who stated that they are aware that there are children within their area that only have one set of clothes….

Certainly more work to be done…